Real Talk China

In Real Talk China, Cyrus Janssen invites guests from around the world to discuss the latest developments in China. Topics include International Relations, Innovation, Cultural Exchange and Politics. In the most popular episodes Cyrus talks about the China Australia Trade War and the Digital Yuan.

Popular videos of Real Talk China

Understand different perspectives of China

In Real Talk China, Cyrus invites experts with various backgrounds to talk about their view on China. Professionals such as expats, business owners or content creators tell their story.


1. China's Digital Yuan

In this Episode, Cyrus talks with Richard Turrin, author of “Cashless” about the central bank digital currancy and its implications.

2. Bytedance vs. Facebook

In this episode, Matthew Brennan discusses the future of Bytedance and TikTok with Cyrus. The author of "Attention Factory" presents how the platform differs from other social media companies and whether bans from the US are a real threat.


3. Working at Alibaba

In this episode, French expatriate Chloe Goncalves talks about what it's like to work at Alibaba. She shares her story and 4 years of experience, the impact of e-commerce on China, and where the company is headed in the future.

4. China Australia Trade War

In this Episode, Cyrus together with HazzaChinaVlogs break down and discuss the relationship between China and Australia and the ongoing trade war between these two countries.
